
Discover the opportunities of planned giving.


Do you know… there are creative ways to support All Newton…

…ways in which ANMS, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time.

These giving methods are sometimes called Smart Giving, Planned Giving, or Legacy Giving, because with legacy planning, you create win-win solutions for you and the community music school you love.


Giving through your Will.

Provide financial aid, support faculty concerts, outreach programs and more by making All Newton Music School part of your family. A gift through your will is easy to set up today.

Giving through your Trust.

Charitable trusts are a gift plan that allows you to provide income to yourself or others while making a generous gift to the community at All Newton Music School.


Put your IRA to work.

There's a simple way to mitigate income tax and potentially estate tax on your IRA plan, while making a significant gift to All Newton.